• Ecological characterisation of natural environments (terrestrial and wetlands)
    • Ordinary high-water mark (OHWM) of streams and delimitation of wetlands
    • Survey of local flora and monitoring of species at risk
    • Survey of invasive alien species (IAS)
    • Evaluation of ecological functions and ecosystem services
  • Ecological studies, wetland characterisation, and environmental evaluations for development projects
  • Support in ministry authorisation requests in the context of the Environment Quality Act (EQA) and the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact (REAFIE)
  • Identification and characterisation of wetlands and water plans based on available geomatic data and photo-interpretation
  • Support in the rehabilitation and restoration of degraded or disturbed environments
  • Evaluation of the ecological value of natural environments, including wetlands and water bodies, to identify habitats of interest for conservation and the development of a regional plan for wetlands and water bodies
  • Conservation and wildlife management planning
  • Geomatics and cartography (GIS)
  • Development of scientific communication and awareness-raising tools (e.g. posters, flyers)
  • Training and personalised conferences
  • Concertation between different parties (municipalities, ministries, citizens, groups, promoters)
  • Wildlife inventories
    • Birds
    • Amphibians and reptiles
    • Mammals (including bats)